Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Joseph Turns 11 October 8

BIG birthday cake, yes???
Nathan and Jon gave me a hard time about it but it was a Reeses bar mix. Anything that says Reeses on it is OK by Joseph!!! We had an awesome weekend, complete with a trip to the pond out back in the 1500 acre wood. No meltdowns from the Joseph. Life can be great.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Im with the RRP... the Rock Relocation Program

Looks like some normal kids at the fair..

Finally, a picture of Jon and I. And we dont look bad either.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Unknown Tree II

Here is the next tree I am having trouble identifying. And infact I thought it was the same as Unknown Tree I, until it flowered. Here is the description:

Sunday, August 06, 2006

unidentified wildflower

These tiny little beauties grew in the cooler and dark area under our mobile home. The flowers are approx. 1/2 inch across and they line up a single stem along with leaves.. see both pics. This plant is 2ft high, bloomed in Late July, zone 4. Any ideas?

Friday, August 04, 2006

water, mud, kid and dog

Silly Bandit. Never ending entertainment here.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

kids and outdoors

On the left... Nathan with frog, taken during a walk. On the right... Joseph climbed this 12 ft rock in just a couple of seconds and claimed "King of the Rock"!

Kids and animals over the last week

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Stained Glass - Astrology Series

Astrology Series Leo

Astrology Series Picses

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Can you find the butterfly??

Nathan and I had errands to run, we hopped into the van and pulled out of the driveway and onto the gravel road. WHOA, I stopped short. There was a collection of new hatchling butterflies drying their wings on the gravel road. I had barely stopped from running them over.
Quick. wheres the camera.. Nathan ran back to the house, returned with the camera.
Oh, no, batteries were removed to recharge. Nathan ran back to the house, no batteries in the charger. Oh, ya, we put them in the bubbler. Got the bubbler, need a phillips screw driver.. back to the house again. screw stripped. had to wrench open back with knife. I ran back to the van, fresh charged batteries.. Ill take the pic I said.. slowly crept up on the fledglings. OOPPSS, one step too close, they all flew away.. A lot of effort to receive NOTHING!!!! ok, pick of ONE butterfly on road.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Voices Past - New Brothers

The world becomes larger and smaller at every turn. This last week I have connected with brothers from another time, whose voices echo true to my soul today. I am a student in this life and my current teachers are famous and awesome. Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Ghandi, and Thoreau are teaching me about what non violence, peace, can do in a world today. As a piscean, I am often lost to the world of pain, as I pick up on energy both around me and beyond my visual perception. So, to have found brothers with a positive voice, this is immense. I can hang on to it and be inspirational not depressed. AMEN

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

A note to find the first blog

For posts from November 2005 until March 2006, see

Sunday, May 21, 2006

The Crowning of Spring

Spring doesnt officially arrive here in Maine until the ladyslippers and trillium are in bloom. I am blessed enough to have many of these on our half-acre. Bandit and I have been walking the property, taking photos and ducking black flies.
Oh yes, officially spring means you cant be outside without being consumed by nasty little bugs. Layers and bug nets are all that can protect you and they still find skin and dig in. Of course its really comfortable outdoors with several layers on and a hood and a bug net (NOT). Whew, it makes work out of just going outdoors.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Family Pics - Bandit

Bandits birthday was October 21, 2005. This picture was taken May 11th, 2006

Sun Salutation - Surya Namaskar

In many cultures, light has long been a symbol of consciousness and self illumination. In Egypt, the Sun was the God, Ra. In Mayan culture the sun is also a God.
In Christian-Judaism The very primal beginnings stem from the Sun (Genesis)
Our primary source of light is the sun.
In my own Yoga Practice (which encompasses daily living) I have found it necessary to root myself into the primal force. It connects me to all that exists and interconnects, making me
one with it.
The practice of Surya Namaskar begins with ancient Yogic practice of reverring the life giver: The Sun. The ancient Yogis taught us that each of us replicates the world at large, embodying
rivers, seas, mountains, stars, moon and planets. Why not? we are made up of these things! Authorities contend that the sequence is at least 2,500 years old, that it originated during Vedic times as a ritual prostration to the dawn, including mantras, offerings of flowers.
Many variations have evolved. Yogis of today use a basic sequence of 12 "stations" consisting of 8 different poses - funny how these stations can represent the numbers on a clock.
In my own personal practice I have been using only six in this order.. Mountain Pose, Standing Backbend, Downward Dog, Lunge, Childs Pose, Cobra, Childs Pose, Lunge, Downward Dog, Standing Backbend and Mountain Pose. Each pose, is a starting breath either in or out in a counting of three total on each pose. ie.. Mountain Pose (breathe out, breathe in, breathe out), Standing Backbend (breathe in, breathe out, breathe in) and so on.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Desperate for Water.. Creating a water feature

Since the drying of the brook, there must be a new way to hear water running, moving and changing. Yes, this is my first attempt at a water feature!!
Pool bottom for a liner (boy, Id call this low finance), it is slowly becoming something of a haven. Or at least will be after the black flies have ceased devouring me while excavating. How horrible, finally the weather turns warmer and the bugs come. I dont know of another state that has this season.. Literally, its called "Black Fly Season". Yes here in Maine there are actually 6 seasons. Mud, Black Fly, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Guess you can imagine, my favorite is not now.
A funny thing.. Rocks.. rocks are everywhere here.. I live on a rock ledge.. dont even think we can blast a basement out of it. And yet, Ive paid two visits to a rock store to purchase rocks.

Unknown Tree #1

This tree grows wild in my back yard, Maine, Zone 4.
The area is shaded and often wet.
The trunk seems to only get as wide as about 3 inch wide. See mysterytree012
The tallest of these little trees is around 15-20 ft.
The shape of the leaves are interesting indeed.
I just snapped these shots (May 11) as the tree was sprouting tiny green flowers
That are now hanging down as tiny bells.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Garden Path - About the Brook

In the spring when snow melts my brook runs. Last year in April, a friend of mine and I rerouted the water to this waterfall. The first photo (on the left) is from last April.
Very little snow this winter. Here is the dry result today (left photo). So much anticipation, waiting, yearning for the waterfall. I was counting on it more than the crocus that IS blooming today.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Family Pics - the boys

Well, somehow Ive managed to upload two of the same picture.
This is Nathan and Joseph out back of the group home Joseph is now in. He has been here two months and we are working at getting him back home. Much needs to be addressed before manageable living with Joseph can happen. Including mom spending some time recovering from what Joseph put us thru for 2 years prior. Ever hear of PTSD?? Well, apparently Ive been in the battle zone and am suffering from it. The good news is that I am aware of it and can get over it before Joseph comes home and I react out of fear to the smallest things.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

So, I keep creating new blogs

Well, in an effort to pretend I am sane, I wanted a starting point at which to create a unified blogspot. What does that mean? well, I am an artist, and as such, I feel a need for a visual cue to all areas of my life. The Starting Point: The center.
Mandala comes to mind.
In the center is the place of beginning, the name. branching out from there are many paths: garden paths stretching out, lined with stone, smelling of the earth, winding their way to all areas of my life. There is the artist path, the mother path, the philosophy path. Also small hidden gardens among the paths. Yoga, music, spirit.