Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Desperate for Water.. Creating a water feature

Since the drying of the brook, there must be a new way to hear water running, moving and changing. Yes, this is my first attempt at a water feature!!
Pool bottom for a liner (boy, Id call this low finance), it is slowly becoming something of a haven. Or at least will be after the black flies have ceased devouring me while excavating. How horrible, finally the weather turns warmer and the bugs come. I dont know of another state that has this season.. Literally, its called "Black Fly Season". Yes here in Maine there are actually 6 seasons. Mud, Black Fly, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Guess you can imagine, my favorite is not now.
A funny thing.. Rocks.. rocks are everywhere here.. I live on a rock ledge.. dont even think we can blast a basement out of it. And yet, Ive paid two visits to a rock store to purchase rocks.

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