In many cultures, light has long been a symbol of consciousness and self illumination. In Egypt, the Sun was the God, Ra. In Mayan culture the sun is also a God.
In Christian-Judaism The very primal beginnings stem from the Sun (Genesis)
Our primary source of light is the sun.
In my own Yoga Practice (which encompasses daily living) I have found it necessary to root myself into the primal force. It connects me to all that exists and interconnects, making me
one with it.
The practice of Surya Namaskar begins with ancient Yogic practice of reverring the life giver: The Sun. The ancient Yogis taught us that each of us replicates the world at large, embodying
rivers, seas, mountains, stars, moon and planets. Why not? we are made up of these things! Authorities contend that the sequence is at least 2,500 years old, that it originated during Vedic times as a ritual prostration to the dawn, including mantras, offerings of flowers.
Many variations have evolved. Yogis of today use a basic sequence of 12 "stations" consisting of 8 different poses - funny how these stations can represent the numbers on a clock.
In my own personal practice I have been using only six in this order.. Mountain Pose, Standing Backbend, Downward Dog, Lunge, Childs Pose, Cobra, Childs Pose, Lunge, Downward Dog, Standing Backbend and Mountain Pose. Each pose, is a starting breath either in or out in a counting of three total on each pose. ie.. Mountain Pose (breathe out, breathe in, breathe out), Standing Backbend (breathe in, breathe out, breathe in) and so on.