Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Short woman in a tree

When going for walks in the 1600 acres, I pass a tall pine each trip. For years I have passed this pine and say "some day I'm going to climb".
Passing it today I could no longer ignore its beckoning: "Climb me Jeanette, you know you want to". Being a woman easily given to curiosity, I decided it was finally time to climb.
From the dirt path, the climb looked easy. In envisioned myself reaching its summit gazing high above the woods - an eagles view! But as I began, I realized a horrible truth: I am vertically challenged! The leg reach of a 5ft woman is not great enough for my dream fulfillment :(
Using both hands to hoist my foot up and pulling myself up one branch at a time, I did manage to climb approximately 25 of this 150ft beauty.
Both condemming my disability, and celebrating my effort I perched.
The scampering below made me believe there were dear nearby. Armed with my camera, the mighty huntress (lol) waited its prey. It got closer and my heart raced.
Finally, it appeared: a small rodent like animal with a fluffy tail. A SQUIRREL.
I laughed at myself, my naivete, photographed the height I achieved and went on my merry way.

1 comment:

Day (from Yoville/FB) said...

Wonderful story and beautifully told Jeanette.

I was there with you in the woods, twigs snapping underfoot, amidst the sweet scent of pine.

As the cool breeze touched our skin we made brief shapes from breath, each lost to the majesty of the trees.

Scrambling upwards, 25ft above ground, we sat and shared the moment.
The vista below evoked shapes and movement, the fleeting shadows of autumn.

Warmed by achievement and racing hearts we descended to the forest floor, taking our tale with us. xx