Saturday, April 18, 2009

Siberian Squill

There is an old house in Bangor ME that has a blanket of these little beauties. They are so dense that from a short distance, nothing but blue can be seen. They are escape artists and can be seen in neighboring properties up to two blocks away. The first flowers of spring along with the crocus and part of the Hyacinth family. Naturally, I have need for them in my own garden. So Nathan and I with bags and shovel dig up some to transplant under the trees in my back yard. Here are the pics of them in their new home. Since they were planted yesterday and look in fair shape, I believe they will be be ok. wish me luck, Peace, Jeanette


HollyMo said...

Hi there! Stumbling along the Google, searching for info on Siberian squill, I found your blog. I am wondering how your transplanted babies are doing? I was thinking of transplanting some myself...
Nice pictures BTW!

Jeanette said...

To Bearswife, Thanks so much for your comment. I actually thought of retaking the close up.. thought it was a bit fuzzy. Transplants are doing well, although they are past their blooming time now. The leaves are still fresh. Join me in a couple of weeks for pics of pink lady slippers (my first wildflower love) - J