Sunday, August 17, 2008

Is Bigger Better????

Life is complicated. Organizing is complicated. For one artist/special needs mom/gardening/yoga growing woman.. life is downright impossible to handle. Maybe Im not supposed to "handle" life. My feeble attempts had me carrying the large organizer to the right. It makes sense. Its not too small. You can fold papers in half from your own printer, punch holes, and you can take it with you. But its heavy.... it doesnt fit well into bags.
I bought a new one. a tiny one. I LOVE how light it is. How easy it is to fit into things.
Now I need a new 6 hole puncher to put papers in my new organizer. The address pages are so small, I can barely fit peoples addresses in them. I dont even know how I will manage to fit things into it that just folding a piece of paper in half. It fits pages only 3x6 inches!!!! WTF???
Maybe Im complaining too much. Maybe this is no big deal but I want the best of both worlds, just as I want in the rest of my life. The best of both worlds. Sigh.. Ill just keep writing addresses in my new little book. See you soon, Love Jeanette

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