Tuesday, December 08, 2015

On Letting Go.. Struggling with Mindfulness

I had planned on including a photograph of an event along with prose to my blog.  The picture was not on my current phone.  The image may be lost on a dead laptop.    I was tempted to go to the event location and recreate the scene just for a photo.  Hmm.. But I would know it was not the genuine original experience.  
Thoughts strung with thoughts…  Realization:  we (humans) are constantly trying to recreate an original experience. Maybe we need to just let go.
Maybe each moment and experience is and should be separate from another.
More thoughts.. Is Art recreation of inexperience?  Am I, as an Artist, stuck in attempting to recreate something that is to be left behind?
Always life brings us little things to ponder.  I shall breathe, let go of this thought and get back to my art.


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